Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Asleep on the Job

There is a highly-regarded market north of the Ecuadorian capital in the town of Otavalo. It takes about 2 hours to get there by local bus but once you do, you see some gorgeous handmade crafts. The huge, outdoor artesan market is known throughout South America for its variety of goods and every year draws tourists from around the globe. Don't go if you're afraid of haggling.

I went on Friday which is not the day that everyone hypes as the day to go. That is Saturday when they also have the animal market where people come to buy livestock. I opted to not go on the really crowded day which made the experience much more relaxing... and for some working there maybe a little too calming.


Kaveh said...

This shot is pretty choice. It definitely gave me a little chuckle.

Me said...

This pick is great and quite fun. It's an interesting trip. I love this blog.